August 31, 2016

Grillinator Firewood Carrier review

I was pretty happy to be able to review this Firewood carrier from Grillinator. I live in the woods and use fireplace heat in my family room and bedroom every winter so I'm no stranger to the problems of carrying firewood to the house. The mess, the awkwardness, the juggling, the mess....yeah, it's that messy! I wanted to try this tote bag as it looked much more sturdy than the previous bags I had used. 

firewoods tote bag review

I was hoping I would be thrilled with it and was so happy when it arrived! It's sturdy, lightweight (when empty) and easy to use. I'll definitely be using this firewood tote all winter long....

August 25, 2016

5 ways to make me quit reading your blog

I read a lot of a lot of blogs! I probably view at least 20 different blogs every single day of the week. I often see things that I really love but sometimes things happen that just drive me crazy! I always wonder if the blog owner knows why people stop reading their blog or do the losses just get lost in the shuffle? Here are my top 5 reasons why I've quit reading a blog 

why I quit reading your blog

1) Links that open in the same tab. Unless the link is at the bottom of the post, always have it open in a new tab. Picture this: I'm on your site and halfway through the post.  You mention there are '5 more ways to...' so I click it and the tab I'm on switches to the new link. Now if it's your site still, it might not be a big deal. If you sent me to another site or Amazon or a sales link I might start clicking around there and forget to go back to the original post. If a second tab had opened though, the first tab is still there. When I close the new tab the old one is right there waiting for me to finish reading the post...and maybe click around your site a bit more.

2) Not being able to figure out where to start. Landing pages are great but if I have to hunt for your blog or have to go through three pages of 'featured' or 'pinned' posts before I find the current posts I'm going to give up and probably not come back. All I need is a menu of some sort and I can figure it out from there!